高中英语词汇:高二下学期词汇解析Unit19 The Merchant of Venice

2011-05-22 13:11:03 契据契约王冠
《高二下学期词汇解析Unit19 The Merchant of Venice》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

Words and expressions

merchant n. person who buys and sells things商人
He is a coal merchant. 他是个煤商。
Venice 威尼斯市(意大利港市)
uneasy adj. worried, feeling that something is wrong担心的;不安的;不自在的
He feels uneasy about the result of the examination. 他担心自己的考试成绩。
crown n. a circle worn on the head by a king or queen王冠;皇冠
The crown was placed on the king's head. 王冠戴到了皇帝的头上。
deny vt. say that something is not true; say that one knows nothing about 否认
He denies being the thief. 他否认是贼。
He denied the signature, said that it was not his. 他否认这签字是他签的。
vt. say 'no' to a request; refuse to give (sth. asked for or needed) 拒绝(给予)
He denied the students a chance to speak. 他拒绝给学生机会发言。
pay back give back the money that someone has lent you 还钱;还债
I'll pay back the money you lent me next week. 下星期我把你借给我的钱还给你。
duke n. nobleman 公爵
The Duke of Edinburgh is the Queen's husband. 爱丁堡公爵是女王的丈夫。
master piece n. 杰作;佳作
mercy n.[u] kindness, not punishing someone when you have the right or power to punish him 怜悯;仁慈;宽恕
They showed little mercy on their enemies. 他们对敌人不留情。
have (=show) mercy on 对…表示同情/怜悯
revenge n. the act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs 报复;报仇
I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in revenge she tore up my school work.
to inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult) 复仇;报复
I'll revenge that insult. 我要报复那侮辱。
enemy n.[c] a person who hates or dislikes another person敌人;仇人
Frost is an enemy of plants. 霜是植物的大敌。
go about begin work; be occupied or busy with着手;忙于
They are going about the work in high spirits. 他们干得很欢。
as far as I know 就/据我所知
reasonable adj. willing to listen to what someone says; willing to think carefully about something讲道理的;理智的;有理性的
His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable. 他的结论听起来确实有一定的道理。
adj. fair; right公道的;合理的
The price seems reasonable. 价钱看来是公道的。
weakness n. the condition or quality of being weak; a personal defect or failing
Everyone has his own little weaknesses. 每一个人都有小缺点。
judgement n. judging or being judged审判;判决
The judgment was against him. 判决对他不利。
n. process of judging 评判;判断
You should form a judgement upon facts. 你应根据事实作出判断。
ducat n. (曾在欧洲通用的)金币
gentleman n. man who is kind, polite, and honest绅士;有教养的人
It is not the act of a gentleman. 这不是绅士的行为。
greeting n. words that you say when you meet someone招呼;问候;致意
"Good morning!" is a greeting. "早上好!"是一句问候语。
envy n.[u] feeling of sadness and anger because you want what another person has妒忌;羡慕
Her envy had transferred into hate. 她的嫉妒已经变成了仇恨。
vt. feel envy of, wish for妒忌;羡慕
I envy you your good health. 我羡慕你的健康。
troublesome adj. causing trouble or anxiety; worrisome令人烦恼的;讨厌的
accuse vt. charge with doing something wrong or having broken the law控告;指控
She accused him of theft. 她控告他行窃。
fate n. the unknown cause beyond man's control that decides things 命运
I don't believe in fate. 我不相信命运。
consequence n.[u] a result; something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions 结果;后果;影响
It happened with unpleasant consequences. 这件事产生了令人不愉快的后果。
fortune n. good luck 好运;运气;福气
Fortune is against me. 我不走运。
merciful adj. with kindness仁慈的;宽大的
Be merciful to him! 饶了他吧!
bargain n.[c] an agreement establishing the terms of a sale or exchange of goods or services契约;协议;交易
A bargain's a bargain. (谚)契约终是契约 (说定了就得遵守) 。
something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer 廉价货
This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. 这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来
vi.(常与with, for连用)讲价;谈条件
If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
bless vt. say good words or nice words or happy wishes for a person.祝福;保佑;赐福
(blessed, blest; blessed, blest)
The priest blessed the congregation. 祭司祝福会众们。
God bless you! 愿上帝赐福于你!
legal of, relating to, or concerned with law; authorized by or based on law 法律的;法定的
legal papers 法律文件 a legal right 法律授予的权利
in conformity with or permitted by law 合法的
legal business operations 合法的生意经营
tear up destroy by tearing, tear to pieces 撕毁;撕成碎片
He tore up the letter as soon as he had read it. 他看完信后就把它撕了。
deed n.[c] something you do行为;行动;事迹
Deeds are better than words. 行动胜于言语。
n.[c] written or printed signed agreement, esp. about ownership or rights 证书;契据
Do you have the deed to the house 你有这所房子的契据吗?
surgeon n. a physician specializing in surgery 外科医生
requirement n. Something that is required; a necessity需要;需求;必需品
If you have any requirements, ask me. 如果你有什么要求,请向我提出来。
declare vt. say something firmly and clearly 宣布;宣告
The city officials declared a state of emergency. 城市当局宣布该城处于紧急状态。
court n.[c] a place where a judge decides if a person is wrong or right法院;法庭
The case was brought to court for trial. 这案件提交法院审理。
scale n. an instrument or a machine for weighing 称
justice n. the state or quality of being just; honesty; fairness; rightness公正;正义
You must treat others with justice. 你必须公正地对待别人。
at the mercy of without any protection against; helpless before:任由…摆布;在…面前无助
therefore adv. for this or that reason; on that account; as a result of that因此;所以
He was very tired and therefore he fell sound asleep. 他非常疲劳,因此就睡熟了
go down on one's knees 跪下
worthy adj. deserving 值得的
He's a worthy model worker. 他是个名副其实的模范工人。
kindness n. the quality of being kind 仁慈;和气
He did it all out of kindness. 他是出于好意才做了这一切的。
punish v. make someone suffer because he has done wrong 惩罚;处罚
Those who break the law shall be punished. 谁犯法都要受到惩罚。
punishment n. the act of punishing or the fact of being punished罚;惩罚
The thief was sent to prison as a punishment. 窃贼被关进监狱,这是对他的惩治。
order vt. to tell someone to do something 命令
She ordered the children not to leave the house. 她命令孩子们不要离家。
sword n. very long, sharp knife for fighting剑;刀
He defended himself with a sword. 他用剑自卫。
complex adj. complicated; not simple复杂的
Life is getting more and more complex and difficult. 生活变得越加复杂而困难。
tragedy n. a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, a moral weakness, or an inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances 悲剧
Macbeth is a famous tragedy by Shakespeare. 《马克白》是莎士比亚所作的一出著名悲剧。
Hamlet 哈姆雷特
Romeo 罗密欧
Juliet [XjUljRt] 朱丽叶
Bassanio [bRXsA:niRu] 巴萨尼奥
Antonio [BnXRuniRu] 安东尼奥
Portia [XpOSjR] 鲍西娅
Shylock 夏洛克
Bellario [bRXlA:riRu] 贝拉里欧

《高二下学期词汇解析Unit19 The Merchant of Venice》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理
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《高二下学期词汇解析Unit19 The Merchant of Venice》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

Words and expressions

merchant n. person who buys and sells things商人
He is a coal merchant. 他是个煤商。
Venice 威尼斯市(意大利港市)
uneasy adj. worried, feeling that something is wrong担心的;不安的;不自在的
He feels uneasy about the result of the examination. 他担心自己的考试成绩。
crown n. a circle worn on the head by a king or queen王冠;皇冠
The crown was placed on the king's head. 王冠戴到了皇帝的头上。
deny vt. say that something is not true; say that one knows nothing about 否认
He denies being the thief. 他否认是贼。
He denied the signature, said that it was not his. 他否认这签字是他签的。
vt. say 'no' to a request; refuse to give (sth. asked for or needed) 拒绝(给予)
He denied the students a chance to speak. 他拒绝给学生机会发言。
pay back give back the money that someone has lent you 还钱;还债
I'll pay back the money you lent me next week. 下星期我把你借给我的钱还给你。
duke n. nobleman 公爵
The Duke of Edinburgh is the Queen's husband. 爱丁堡公爵是女王的丈夫。
master piece n. 杰作;佳作
mercy n.[u] kindness, not punishing someone when you have the right or power to punish him 怜悯;仁慈;宽恕
They showed little mercy on their enemies. 他们对敌人不留情。
have (=show) mercy on 对…表示同情/怜悯
revenge n. the act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs 报复;报仇
I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in revenge she tore up my school work.
to inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult) 复仇;报复
I'll revenge that insult. 我要报复那侮辱。
enemy n.[c] a person who hates or dislikes another person敌人;仇人
Frost is an enemy of plants. 霜是植物的大敌。
go about begin work; be occupied or busy with着手;忙于
They are going about the work in high spirits. 他们干得很欢。
as far as I know 就/据我所知
reasonable adj. willing to listen to what someone says; willing to think carefully about something讲道理的;理智的;有理性的
His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable. 他的结论听起来确实有一定的道理。
adj. fair; right公道的;合理的
The price seems reasonable. 价钱看来是公道的。
weakness n. the condition or quality of being weak; a personal defect or failing
Everyone has his own little weaknesses. 每一个人都有小缺点。
judgement n. judging or being judged审判;判决
The judgment was against him. 判决对他不利。
n. process of judging 评判;判断
You should form a judgement upon facts. 你应根据事实作出判断。
ducat n. (曾在欧洲通用的)金币
gentleman n. man who is kind, polite, and honest绅士;有教养的人
It is not the act of a gentleman. 这不是绅士的行为。
greeting n. words that you say when you meet someone招呼;问候;致意
"Good morning!" is a greeting. "早上好!"是一句问候语。
envy n.[u] feeling of sadness and anger because you want what another person has妒忌;羡慕
Her envy had transferred into hate. 她的嫉妒已经变成了仇恨。
vt. feel envy of, wish for妒忌;羡慕
I envy you your good health. 我羡慕你的健康。
troublesome adj. causing trouble or anxiety; worrisome令人烦恼的;讨厌的
accuse vt. charge with doing something wrong or having broken the law控告;指控
She accused him of theft. 她控告他行窃。
fate n. the unknown cause beyond man's control that decides things 命运
I don't believe in fate. 我不相信命运。
consequence n.[u] a result; something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions 结果;后果;影响
It happened with unpleasant consequences. 这件事产生了令人不愉快的后果。
fortune n. good luck 好运;运气;福气
Fortune is against me. 我不走运。
merciful adj. with kindness仁慈的;宽大的
Be merciful to him! 饶了他吧!
bargain n.[c] an agreement establishing the terms of a sale or exchange of goods or services契约;协议;交易
A bargain's a bargain. (谚)契约终是契约 (说定了就得遵守) 。
something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer 廉价货
This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. 这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来
vi.(常与with, for连用)讲价;谈条件
If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
bless vt. say good words or nice words or happy wishes for a person.祝福;保佑;赐福
(blessed, blest; blessed, blest)
The priest blessed the congregation. 祭司祝福会众们。
God bless you! 愿上帝赐福于你!
legal of, relating to, or concerned with law; authorized by or based on law 法律的;法定的
legal papers 法律文件 a legal right 法律授予的权利
in conformity with or permitted by law 合法的
legal business operations 合法的生意经营
tear up destroy by tearing, tear to pieces 撕毁;撕成碎片
He tore up the letter as soon as he had read it. 他看完信后就把它撕了。
deed n.[c] something you do行为;行动;事迹
Deeds are better than words. 行动胜于言语。
n.[c] written or printed signed agreement, esp. about ownership or rights 证书;契据
Do you have the deed to the house 你有这所房子的契据吗?
surgeon n. a physician specializing in surgery 外科医生
requirement n. Something that is required; a necessity需要;需求;必需品
If you have any requirements, ask me. 如果你有什么要求,请向我提出来。
declare vt. say something firmly and clearly 宣布;宣告
The city officials declared a state of emergency. 城市当局宣布该城处于紧急状态。
court n.[c] a place where a judge decides if a person is wrong or right法院;法庭
The case was brought to court for trial. 这案件提交法院审理。
scale n. an instrument or a machine for weighing 称
justice n. the state or quality of being just; honesty; fairness; rightness公正;正义
You must treat others with justice. 你必须公正地对待别人。
at the mercy of without any protection against; helpless before:任由…摆布;在…面前无助
therefore adv. for this or that reason; on that account; as a result of that因此;所以
He was very tired and therefore he fell sound asleep. 他非常疲劳,因此就睡熟了
go down on one's knees 跪下
worthy adj. deserving 值得的
He's a worthy model worker. 他是个名副其实的模范工人。
kindness n. the quality of being kind 仁慈;和气
He did it all out of kindness. 他是出于好意才做了这一切的。
punish v. make someone suffer because he has done wrong 惩罚;处罚
Those who break the law shall be punished. 谁犯法都要受到惩罚。
punishment n. the act of punishing or the fact of being punished罚;惩罚
The thief was sent to prison as a punishment. 窃贼被关进监狱,这是对他的惩治。
order vt. to tell someone to do something 命令
She ordered the children not to leave the house. 她命令孩子们不要离家。
sword n. very long, sharp knife for fighting剑;刀
He defended himself with a sword. 他用剑自卫。
complex adj. complicated; not simple复杂的
Life is getting more and more complex and difficult. 生活变得越加复杂而困难。
tragedy n. a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, a moral weakness, or an inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances 悲剧
Macbeth is a famous tragedy by Shakespeare. 《马克白》是莎士比亚所作的一出著名悲剧。
Hamlet 哈姆雷特
Romeo 罗密欧
Juliet [XjUljRt] 朱丽叶
Bassanio [bRXsA:niRu] 巴萨尼奥
Antonio [BnXRuniRu] 安东尼奥
Portia [XpOSjR] 鲍西娅
Shylock 夏洛克
Bellario [bRXlA:riRu] 贝拉里欧

《高二下学期词汇解析Unit19 The Merchant of Venice》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理