
2011-05-29 18:08:45 前缀语法中考

( ) 1.I have _____ seen such funny story.

A. already B. yet C . ever D. never

( ) 2. --Excuse me,_______ you tell me the time?

--Sorry. I haven't watch now.

A. Can B. Need C. Must D. Shall

( ) 3. You can go to play football as soon as your composition_____

A. till be finished B. is finished

C. finishes D. has finished

( ) 4. --Don't forget to ______ your umbrella here next time.

--I won't.

A. take B. bring C. get D. catch

( ) 5. The card _____"Merry Christmas!"

A. writes B. tells C. speaks D. says

( ) 6. -- May I try on ______ T-shirt? This one is too small for me to wear.

-- Certainly.

A. other B. the other C. others D. another

( ) 7. -Could you look after my house in the holiday?


A. It's very kind of you B.Certainly.Here you are

C.Sure.With pleasure D.Sure.Give it to me

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