2011-08-08 20:21:42 高考
Agriculture is somewhat neglected in that district.
The old man lives alone in neglect.
1、如果一个国家人口中 7%或以上的人满 65 岁或超过 65 岁,就被列为“老龄国”。P1
Nation classified as "aged" w hen they have 7 percent of more of their people aged 65 or above.
2、一个社会的人口增长率越接近零,它的人口就可能越老龄---至少对任何能关系到我们现 在的未来是这样的。P1
The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is likely to be—at least, for any future that concerns us now.
The older you are now, of course, the greater this proportion w ill be, and greater still if you are a w oman.
4、如果你现在 30 多岁,你应当知道你可以指望活到 60 岁后再活上剩余生命的三分之一。P5
If you are now in your thirties, you ought to be aw are that you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60.
1.classify 2.approximate 3.proportion 4.appreciation 5.acknowledge
6.alter 7.lengthen 8.wealthy 9.neglect 10.expectation
1.to approximate to 2.resistance to 3.to cope with 4.attribute … to
1.~4. 与常考句型相同。
5.If, however, children grow up without love and without feelings of self-worth, they feel unlovable and worthless and expect to be cheated, taken advantage of, and looked down upon by others.
look down upon : 看不起…; 轻视… ;
6.without a healthy self-esteem they may cope by acting out problems rather than talking them out or by withdrawing and remaining indifferent toward themselves and others.
7.It is not until energies are back to normal that the real problem is recognized.
8.it is not until about the time the child enters school that outside forces contribute to feelings about the self.
Aging has become a social problem.
The resistance to the idea is caused by the falling of birthrates. The fall of birthrate resulted in people's objection to the idea.
The length of life depends on various factors. Expectation of life is due to various factors.
Expectation of life is the average numbers of years that a person is expected to live.
The expectancy of life is the prediction of average years a person can live.
Long life is altering our life as well as our society. Long life is changing our lives, changing our society.