2011-08-22 17:39:18 高考
1. Welcome to Shenzhen!欢迎来到深圳!
2. Shenzhen is in the south of China. 深圳位于中国的南部。
3. Shenzhen is neighboring Hong Kong. 深圳毗邻香港。
4. Shenzhen is the first special economic zone in China. 深圳是中国第一个经济特区。
5. It is a city of migrants. 深圳是一座移民城市。
6. Shenzhen has a population of over 10 million people. 深圳拥有上千万人口。
7. Many young people have settled down here. 很多年轻人来此定居。
8. Shenzhen`s GDP is in the leading place in China. 深圳市的人均国内生产总值位居国内城市前列。
9. Shennan Blvd is the busiest street. 深南大道是深圳最繁忙的街道。
10. Bougainvillea is the city flower. 勒杜鹃是深圳的市花。
11. Shenzhen has many tourist attractions. 深圳有许多旅游景点。
12. Here we are at Dameisha beach. 我们现在所处的就是大梅沙海岸。
13. You can enjoy many water activities. 你可以享受水上活动。
14. Now we’re standing at the foot of Lotus Hill. 现在我们就站在莲花山脚下。
15. Diwang Tower is the tallest building in Shenzhen. 地王大厦是深圳最高的建筑。
16. If you like shopping, the Mix City and Coco Park are good choices. 如果你喜欢购物,万象城或购物公园是不错的选择。
17. Huaqiangbei is the NO.1 electronics market in Shenzhen. 华强北是深圳主要的电子市场。
18. Shenzhen Library is the biggest public library in Shenzhen. 深圳图书馆是深圳最大的公共图书馆。
19. Shenzhen Concert Hall is a modern and professional concert hall. 深圳音乐厅是一座现代化的专业音乐厅。
20. Have you ever attended SZ Hi-tech Fair? 你参加过深圳高交会吗?
21. What do you think of Shenzhen? 你对深圳的印象如何?
22. I love Shenzhen. 我热爱深圳。
23. Is this your first time visiting Shenzhen? 这是你第一次来深圳吗?
24. Call me Xiao Xu. 叫我小徐好了。
25. Please have a seat. 请坐。
26. May I have your name, please? 请问您尊姓大名?
27. Do you speak any Chinese? 你会说中文吗?
28. I’m the supervisor here. 我就是这里的负责人。
29. May I help you? 请问需要办理什么?
30. Please read these directions. 请阅读这些说明。
31. Please sign here. 请在此签名。
32. We are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m..
33. Here is my name card. Keep in tou