高一英语作文:高一优秀英语作文关于雪灾 Donors

2011-09-10 03:19:03 英语作文网英语

For this snowstorm, in order to allow the victims of the snowstorm in the restoration of normal life as soon as possible, a large-scale donor activities began. Online publicity in calling for the release of the postings, and many factories and companies have generously star performers also have given their own a love those old super-women, men also faster and harder for the donor to the streets promotional activities. United States, Japan, China also donated many of the funds.

Eating snow merciless land, and the cold winter wind and pain to people's face, a broad Bing-Shuang moment frozen in the road. All seem to have become difficult, snow is like a white demon with our raging snow Aiai Bixiang snow mountains, unable to find the way out. However, we will not admit defeat! We also have "love"! No matter what natural and manmade disasters have been carrying the love! It is like a bouquet of light, lit the path of hope, we are no longer afraid, no longer fear!

There is a feeling is cold, there is a force called "love"!

Love is in a winter sunshine is hungry and cold people feel the warmth of the world; love is in the desert in recent springs, to the brink of desperate people to see the life of the hope of love is a floating in the night sky in the songs, so that In the loneliness without access to spiritual consolation; love is a long spell of drought in the flesh littered the land of the mannose, withered soul feelings of the people feel nourished.

《高一英语作文:高一优秀英语作文关于雪灾 Donors》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理
《高一英语作文:高一优秀英语作文关于雪灾 Donors.doc》



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For this snowstorm, in order to allow the victims of the snowstorm in the restoration of normal life as soon as possible, a large-scale donor activities began. Online publicity in calling for the release of the postings, and many factories and companies have generously star performers also have given their own a love those old super-women, men also faster and harder for the donor to the streets promotional activities. United States, Japan, China also donated many of the funds.

Eating snow merciless land, and the cold winter wind and pain to people's face, a broad Bing-Shuang moment frozen in the road. All seem to have become difficult, snow is like a white demon with our raging snow Aiai Bixiang snow mountains, unable to find the way out. However, we will not admit defeat! We also have "love"! No matter what natural and manmade disasters have been carrying the love! It is like a bouquet of light, lit the path of hope, we are no longer afraid, no longer fear!

There is a feeling is cold, there is a force called "love"!

Love is in a winter sunshine is hungry and cold people feel the warmth of the world; love is in the desert in recent springs, to the brink of desperate people to see the life of the hope of love is a floating in the night sky in the songs, so that In the loneliness without access to spiritual consolation; love is a long spell of drought in the flesh littered the land of the mannose, withered soul feelings of the people feel nourished.

《高一英语作文:高一优秀英语作文关于雪灾 Donors》由出国留学网liuxue86.com编辑整理