初中英语作文:初二英语作文 My first Job

2011-11-03 02:13:47 英语作文网英语

摘要: My first job was at a cramming school. It was three years ago when I just graduated from junior high school and finished the entrance examination. since I had nothing to do that summer, I decided to



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  • My first job was at a cramming school. It was three years ago when I just graduated from junior high school and finished the entrance examination. since I had nothing to do that summer, I decided to find a job, tasting the joy of independence.

    I was responsible for answering the telephone and taking the message. I worked eight hours a day, six days a week. The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and I guess I did well. The most delighted thing was perhaps that I could spend the money I earned all by myself.



    课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 秋季班初一年级英语目标人大附四中班 15 2495 秋季班初一年级英语尖子班 15 2495 秋季班初二年级英语目标人大附四中班 15 2495 秋季班初二年级英语尖子班 15 2495 秋季班初三年级英语目标人大附四中班 15 2495

    咨询电话:010-52926678 (每天早10点至晚7点)

    《初中英语作文:初二英语作文 My first Job》由留学liuxue86.com编辑整理

