当全球化的产品或服务与当地文化相结合时更有可能取得成功,也就是用“全球化的思想,本土化的操作”(“think globally and act locally”),一方面要像本地公司那样,尽可能做一个“圈内人”;另一方面还要从全球经营中获得收益,这就是“全球本土化”。
Glocalization (a portmanteau of globalization and localization) is the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture in which they are sold. The process allows integration of local markets into world markets.
The term first appeared in a late 1980s publication of the Harvard Business Review.
McDonald's restaurants' menus adopted the practice and customized its menus to suit local tastes in various countries.
Glocalization can also involve the use of culturally friendly media to encourage the acceptance of foreign products among a local audience.